Equipping Values
Jesus was a true servant leader who modeled equipping-based empowerment from a heart of humility and submission. As His servants, we collectively affirm His ways and our complete devotion to them.
Compelling Clarity
Starting with the win in mind
Our Father is never confused about His preferred future, nor the process to achieve it. We follow His lead in every situation by first affirming the desired outcomes—for both the ministry’s target audience and those serving.
See also Ps. 33:11; Is. 46:10-11; Jer. 29:11; Acts 1:8; Eph. 1:11, 2:10, 3:10-11; Rev. 7, 21
Anointed Fit
Getting the right people in the right roles
God chose Moses because he was a man of proven character and capacity. He was just the right person for God’s plan: delivering Israel out of Egypt and to the Promised Land. Team leaders follow God’s pattern by utilizing fruitfulness (character) and spiritual gifting (capacity) as their primary filters to identify needed team members. Entrusting ministry into the right, faithful hands sets the stage for Kingdom success.
See also Ex. 18:13-27; Ps. 78:72; Eph. 4:16; 2 Tim. 2:2; 1 Pt. 4:10
Patient Apprenticing
Setting others up for success
Our God always knows what we need to get started well. The Father knew what Abram needed to take his first steps of faith. Jesus knew what Saul needed to embrace his new calling to be the Apostle Paul. Indeed, all God’s followers are His workmanship, and He equips us to step into the good works that He has prepared for us. In like fashion, we help those serving with what they need to be confident and competent, ready to step into their new roles and make a Kingdom difference.
See also Gen. 12-15; Acts 6:1-7, Early discipleship of Paul (Acts 9-13; Gal. 1-2); Eph. 2:10; 2 Tim. 2:2
Life-Giving Coaching
Putting more in than we take out
Jesus purposely lived His life in full view of His disciples. He embedded the Father’s values in them while He ate, slept, taught, healed, and revealed the Kingdom of God in their midst. As this process unfolded, He increasingly released them to minister in His name. In Jesus’ final hours, He promised the Spirit of Truth to continue their instruction and guide them in the Father’s world-wide vision. Ministry leaders are similarly called to partner with the Spirit as they model, observe, sustain, and release those serving to run their ministry race with endurance and hear their Father’s “well done!”
See also Mt. 25:14-30; Jesus and His disciples (Jn. 14-16); Eph. 4:11-12; Paul’s apprenticing of Timothy and many others
Honoring Transitions
Helping people take their next steps of faith
Our God always guides His children through times of change. After His resurrection, Jesus walked with His followers to get them ready for His ascension and the Spirit’s arrival. Jesus also graciously restored Peter after the pain and humiliation of three denials. He calls us to reflect the compassionate heart of God by honoring the ministry transitions of those around us. These transitions occur for many reasons: at times, a change of life seasons or increased capacity prompts a new focus. At other times, ministry transitions stem from a lack of character, capacity, or fit. Whatever the reasons, Jesus’ example of honor and honesty guides how we care for those who serve Him.
See also Elijah passing his mantle to Elisha (1 Kgs. 19:19); Eph. 4:15; Jesus readies his followers for His departure (Jn. 14-21; Acts 1); Paul honors the Ephesian elders as he departs (Acts 20:13-38)