Lifegroups: the heartbeat of Antioch

The earliest Christians met together in homes sharing meals and possessions, loving God and each other, and always welcoming newcomers (Acts 2:42-47). We embrace this as our model for Christian community by building and supporting small group meetings (what we call, Lifegroups) in homes throughout Quincy and the surrounding neighborhoods. We consider Lifegroups the heartbeat of our church.
Lifegroups are a great way to connect with God and with other people at Antioch Quincy. While Lifegroups may vary in focus, you can generally expect time for prayer, worship and Bible study, as well as time for connecting with others and building friendships. Our Lifegroups are open to all, and visitors are always welcome. Lifegroups are a great place to see your life transformed by the presence of Jesus as we experience Him together in community. Find a place of deeper belonging in one of our current Lifegroups below!
Lifegroup core values
Word-Centered: we submit to Jesus by honoring and obeying His Word as we are empowered by His grace.
Presence-Based: we eagerly desire the Holy Spirit’s activity as we partner with God in prayer, worship, and the practice of spiritual gifts.
Kingdom-Relationships: we pursue authentic fellowship by humbly and sacrificially choosing to love and relate to one another God’s way.
Mission-Focused: we embrace the call to be disciple-makers of all people as we reproduce our lives and ministry while compassionately caring for others and introducing them to the Good News of Jesus.

Find a Lifegroup near you
Please feel free to reach out to the leaders in your area to find out how to get involved!
Stay in the loop
Stay updated on any changes in our COVID-response! We send out weekly updates about ways we’re meeting together, how to get involved and connect with others. Note: we will never forward your information to third parties, and you can unsubscribe easily at any time.