
antioch community church in quincy prayer ministry non denominational churches in boston

Prayer Ministry


We believe that prayer accomplishes much in the lives of individuals as well as in our church. When two or three are gathered in His name, He will be right in their midst. Join one of our GATHERINGS - it can change your life!

Families and Adults


We are passionate about seeing families, adults, and empty-nesters fully given to Jesus and His purposes in the earth. We want to partner with and equip families and adults to live healthy, whole, and engaged lives in what God is doing around them.

non denominational contemporary college church in Quincy and Boston
churches in quincy for young adults meetings

Young Adults


Our Young Adults Ministry exists to be a place where college graduates, young professionals, and young marrieds can come together to encounter God and be empowered to live out His plans and purposes for their lives.



Our Youth Ministry is committed to equip students to follow Jesus, love Him wholeheartedly, and care for each other radically. We want to see students thrive in this season of their lives and have a lasting impact on the world around them.

Antioch churches in quincy youth group meetings
kids friendly churches in quincy near boston

Antioch Kids


Every Sunday, our amazing Kids Ministry team and committed volunteers teach Biblical truths that help children experience who God is and discover that they can have a powerful, personal relationship with Him. Click the button below to see which classes are offered at each of our three services.



The mission of our College Ministry is to help college students encounter God, discover their identity, and participate in seeing the Kingdom of God invade everyday life.

antioch community church in quincy prayer ministry boston

Stay in the loop

We send out weekly updates about ways we’re meeting together, how to get involved and connect with others. Note: we will never forward your information to third parties, and you can unsubscribe easily at any time.