Time with God
We believe in a living, active God that loves us and loves to communicate with us! Prayer isn’t just a one-way conversation and God speaking isn’t just something we read about in the Bible.
Below are some tools to spend time with God on your own and resources to help you grow in deeper relationship with Jesus.
Helpful Tools To Enhance Your Walk With God
- You may have heard the phrase “Tending Your Heart” thrown around at Antioch a time or two. Ever wonder what it meant?
This four-part video teaching series and accompanying handouts below may help you as you begin your journey journaling with God or if you feel stuck and need help to figure out some potential ways forward. Each video is about 10 - 15 minutes long and the handouts have notes, discussion questions, and suggested prompts to utilize in your own time with God.
If you’ve never gone through this material before, consider asking a few friends to join you or talking to your Lifegroup leader.
- Invitation to Intimacy: video & handout
- Challenges in Hearing: video & handout
- Overcoming Wounds & Lies: video & handout
- Tending Your Heart: video & handout
Folder with all handouts available here.
- Discipleship Lessons (These can be used to take a new believer through 7 core beliefs for all followers of Jesus.)
- Seven Steps to Freedom (Great to take new believers through for greater freedom in Christ)
- Suggestions on Spending Time With God
- Alone with God Devotional Booklet (Put together by our sending church, Antioch Community Church)
- 1 Year Bible Reading Plan
- Bible Memory Plan (By Bible.org)
- God The Father Scriptures
- God The Son Scriptures
- God The Holy Spirit Scriptures
- Family Devotional (Blog Post from Antioch Community Church)
- Proud versus Broken People (Being broken before Jesus is one of the most sure ways to allowing Him full access to your life. This lists some of the differences between proud and broken people.)
- Who Am I In Christ? (This is a great tool to help develop a better understanding of who you are in Christ.)
- Healthy Best Practices for Life
- DE-logging Exercise (Written by Jonathan Gulley and based on Matthew 7:3-5 & Luke 6:41-42, which are powerful instructions from Jesus’ teachings on how to evaluate yourself before looking to take a chisel and shape others.)
- Spiritual Gifts Assessment (A tool developed by our sending organization, AMI, to help you assess your strengths and gifts in order to more fully understand the passions or dreams that God has given you, and effectively utilize them in the Body of Christ.)
- Antioch International Movement Resource Guide (Articles and training guides on everything from church planting, to ministry philosophy, or to leading a lifegroup)