Upcoming Events

Pie Day.pdf (360 x 280 px)

Pi(e) Day Party

Friday, March 14 | 7:30PM

Join us for an all church Pi(e) Day celebration!  Bring a pie to share and join us for some fun!  Email us for address.

Let’s make lunch! (360 x 280 px)

Lunch for DCF Workers

Friday, March 21 | 12PM

Help us show some appreciation for some of our local social workers by helping us provide a lunch.  If you are able to help plan a menu, provide food, cook or deliver we have a part for you!  Reach out to Kendra Aguilar for more information.

Antioch Men’s Breakfasts (360 x 280 px)

Men's Breakfast

Saturdays (1st and 3rd of each month)

Join us for Saturday morning breakfasts and time of connection twice a month.  You are welcome to come anytime it works!  Reach out to Jack Henderson to receive a reminder.

Stay in the loop

Stay updated on any changes in our COVID-response! We send out weekly updates about ways we’re meeting together, how to get involved and connect with others. Note: we will never forward your information to third parties, and you can unsubscribe easily at any time.