Who we are
At Antioch Community Church Quincy we aim to be people who are Loving God, Sharing Life, and Proclaiming Jesus. Our entire vision is summed up in these three statements. They are short and easy to remember; and by God's grace, we aim to live them out every day!
Below are some practicals of what these values look like for us in our lives.
Loving God
- Intimacy with Jesus through prayer and worship.
- The Bible as God inspired and life transforming.
- The presence of God in every setting.
Sharing Life
- Building lifelong friendships through sacrificial living.
- Reproducing life through discipleship, small groups and church planting.
Proclaiming Jesus
- Taking risks to make Jesus known.
- Extending God's Kingdom by evangelism and church planting throughout the world.
Our Relational Values
Our goal is to express our devotion to the Father's and Jesus' heart for people as expressed by the following values.
Passionate Worship

Loving Jesus extravagantly
Jesus said that the Father is seeking those who worship Him in Spirit and in truth. We practice a life of worship that invites the presence of Jesus into all that we say and do.
See also Mt. 26:6-13; Jn. 4:23, 5:19-23, 14:21, 15:15; Col. 3:16, 17
Humble Service

Looking beyond ourselves
Jesus came to serve, not to be served. He modeled this selfless lifestyle with both His disciples as well as society’s lost, outcast, and oppressed. As Jesus’ disciples, we follow Jesus’ example and prioritize the needs of others.
See also Is. 53:1-12; Mt. 15:34-39, 20:25-28; Jn. 13:1-17; Eph. 4:1-3; Phil. 2:1-11
Authentic Relationships

Cultivating a community of trust
Jesus’ relationships were marked by honesty, vulnerability, and accountability. We aspire to be genuine and gracious with those inside and outside the church. In doing so, we demonstrate our unwavering commitment to one another.
See also Mt. 18:15-17; Acts 2:42-47; Rom. 15:5-7; Eph. 4:15; Col. 3:12-15
Honoring Collaboration

Empowering the strengths of others
Jesus lived with and developed an exceptional team of disciple-makers. Their diverse spiritual gifts, talents, and personalities joined together to become the epicenter of the new Church—the hope of the world. As Jesus’ followers, we emulate His process by honoring and empowering the unique grace that resides within every believer.
See also Eccl. 4:9-12; Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12; Heb. 10:24-25; 1 Pt. 4:10; Rev. 5:9
Courageous Generosity

Excelling in the joy of giving
Jesus modeled selfless generosity. After Pentecost, His disciples followed His lead as they shared resources with one another. His extravagant love continues to inspire us to work diligently, live simply, and give joyfully.
See also Mt. 25:14-30, 26:6-13; Acts 2:44-45, 4:32-35; Rom. 12:13; 2 Cor. 8-9; Jas. 2:14-19
Radical Compassion

Engaging brokenness with the heart of Jesus
Jesus looked at broken humanity through the lens of love and responded with compassion. He loved everyone just as they needed to be loved. We follow Jesus’ lead by seeing the world through God’s grace-filled eyes, and becoming real-time messengers of His grace, hope, and healing.
See also Ex. 22:21-25; Ps. 146; Is. 58, 61; Mt. 9:35-38, 25:31-46; Lk. 7:22-23; Eph. 4:32; Jas. 1:26-27
Our Beliefs
If we were to describe our theology simply, we would say this: “We are all about Jesus. We want to be like Him, introduce others to Him, and live like He told us to. We believe the Bible and desire to study it to grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus.”
In short, we are all about Jesus.